Florida Perks
Ahhh, the perks of living in Florida. Beautiful weekend, loved the crisp weather, we actually had to wear sweaters this weekend. It was nice to break out our winter wardrobe for a few days.
Another perk is living far enough away, but close to Orlando enough to run up there for a weekend.
Gary was nice enough to surprise us Friday morning by telling us to pack our bags for a few days to play at Universal. I hadnt been there before, but highly recommend it over any of the Disney parks. Funny thing about Gary, most of the time I dislike that he doesnt tell me whats going on, on these occasions, its fun.
So we packed up and up we went to the Portofino Hotel, one of the three hotels on site for the Universal parks .This means we can take a ferry to the park from the hotel and best of all? We get the Express pass! Thats right folks we were the people you hate because there was no line for us! Thats big when you have a three year old. With this pass there is a special entrance that dumps you out at the front of the line. Yeah, we got some dirty looks, but anyone can get it when you stay at one of the hotels, and I saw signs that you could purchase it once you were in the park also...anyway.
My favorite ride? SPIDER MAN! That was the best. Its not one of those rides that goes up and down or round and around too much, you are in a car and it swivels around 3D scenes. Was Awesome. and you only have to be 40" to ride, so Stella went, but she didnt care for it.
Her favorite ride was The Cat in the Hat. This was funny. We went once, it was great, a car that rides through very animated scenes all the while the story is being told. Was fun, even for me, I love Dr Suess.
So the second time, Im watching Gary, not much going on by the look on his face. Stella still having a great time. And the third time I finally ask,
" Have you ever read 'The Cat in the Hat'?"
"no", he replied.
Ohhhhh, well this ride meant sooo much more if you knew the story, so needless to say, on Monday I went and bought him a copy of "The Cat in the Hat".
Garys favorite ride? The HULK roller coaster. He went 5 times the first day and I think 4 times the second day.
ewwwww, scary. He swears next time Im going on it.
So, such a good time, he bought us annual passes. Can't wait to go back.
I think it would be even more fun with friends. Hope that happens soon.
Im not surprised Garys favorite ride was a roller coaster...

What A GREAT Weekend!
Ok, the weekend is over and finally I can spill the beans!
Susie flew in town for moms 65th birthday! We had such a good time. Shopping, dinners, lunches, more shopping, the beach, and just good company. I picked her up on Thurs at 2, ran to moms class to surprise her and boy was she surprised. Another bonus was that Susie showed me some cool tips for Stampin Up, made some Very cool cards. Glad she will be back in March for another trip and more stampin and this time Heather Hill will be coming, yay!
Susies blog shows the best of times...and here is one more...dinner at Shula's. And a very big thank you to Gary.

Is it Thursday already?
I can't remember another stage in my life where the days and weeks flew by. Some weeks do drag, but the next week I'm asking myself what I did last week...
Keeping busy is good. Yesterday I drove down to Miami with Stella for another casting. This time is was for Banana Boat sunscreen. Everytime I go with her and watch what they ask, I leave there asking why they asked that. She had to wear a bathing suit and we waited over an hour to be seen. The wait actually flys by because there are so many other kids there, they don't get bored. Stella is getting used to it. Before she used to sit in my lap and watch the other kids play, yesterday Stella was conducting an entire group in Simon Says. We actually had a lot of fun, almost like a playdate. It's so weird...alot of these kids have been modeling since a baby, some are just starting. Stella has been to to four castings and has gotten two jobs out of it. If we could go to one a week I think it would be fun. I like the drive, its good bonding time with me and Stella.
So yesterday, we get in and fill out the usual info sheet, and Stella's name was called, sometimes they go back by themselves and sometimes the parent can go back. I went back yesterday. Just before we went back, Stella had to give a girl her ball back. Anyone that knows Stella and her balls, knows she got upset over it. So went went to the back with Stella tripping over her lower lip.
The photographer was C-U-T-E. And he and Stella jumped right into conversation.
"Hi!, what a beautiful bathing suit, I think its the most beautiful I've seen all day, where did you get it?"
"Umm, at the Ritz"
"The Ritz, wow, do you stay at the Ritz alot?"
"Uh, huh"
"Do you like staying at the Ritz?"
This guy was def cracking a smile.
He took some pics, some smiling, some serious.
And then it was weird, they had her put her arms on the table and they took pics of her arms. His asst yelled that she was "six" whatever that meant.
As they took pics
"So whats your name?"
"How old are you"
"Three, my mom is thirty-one"
(Thanks Stella)
They said their good bye's and thank you's and we left. We should find out today or maybe tomorrow if she got it. The shoot is next Thurs.
Everyone check their spring edition of Hanna Anderson clothing, she did the shoot for it, but do not know yet if she will be printed. She also did a shoot for Kraft, but will only be printed in Canada.
So, a day in the life a of a red headed whirlwind.

My moms birthday is this Sunday. 65. I can't believe it. I remember the announcement over the loud speaker at my highschool that she was turning 42 and shes been 42 ever since. 65? This is when your kids starting feeling old. I know I do. Funny, everyone has their take on what decade is best. I heard your thirties are the best and even though Im only 31, I have to agree.
These years will be my best.
Speaking of births and birthdays, I live in baby central. I bet their are at least ten infants on my block, and that goes for every block in Abacoa. The whole gammet, from the La Leche League mom to the professional "I have two nannies". Well, they don't say they have two nannies, but I never see the kids with anyone but their nanny. Finding the balance is key. Thats my lesson.
Speaking of balance, I had dinner with one of my girlfriends and her infant son just last week. She is doing a great job finding balance. She works at a job she loves, takes care of her two big dogs, and she is breastfeeding, too! I love talking to her, she is one of those people who beams and gives you a little bounce in your step by the time you leave dinner.
Speaking of which, I went to her baby shower this past fall and here's a pic of Jacob, her son, right after he was born.
So, at thirty one, I can say I look forward to the rest of my thirties. And as far as babies, my Stella sure isn't a baby anymore. Who knows, maybe one day, I'll have another one. I said one day. I didnt say today, I said one day...

So, my parents and I, (I meaning me and Stella) went to Florence SC over holiday to "look at houses". Well I knew they were going to buy, because they sold their house and had to be out in a matter of weeks. They knew basically what they wanted, and what neighborhood. (My dad has been researching this for probably a year, he is a good ol' boy that graduated from Clemson and wanted to return to his roots.) We looked at two houses, he had seen the second house before but it was under contract at the time. The contract had fallen through, so he basically looked at mom, she said "ok", and they signed the contract. Done. I have really enjoyed having them nearby, but this area IS expensive, so I don't blame them.
So, we spent New Years at Dave's house in Wilmington, NC, this is his new cat, "Pumpkin". At Dave's, dad watched three days of football, which I'm not complaining, but I needed a creative outlet. I mean, I didnt have internet, I had to do something. So I headed over to Lowes, got three gallons of paint and went to town on Dave's apartment. It looks great. I did different shades of browns for accent walls in his kitchen, living room, bathroom and his bedroom. It looks much nicer, not such a bachelor pad, and we had a great time doing it. Funny moment, Stella loved Pumpkin because she is a really friendly cat and would sit with her. Meeshi, our cat is moody and unfriendly. Stella has a yellow blankey, white blankey and a bear that she smells for comfort, here is a pic of the two sharing.
And here we are. Just like that. Dad is up in SC, closing on the house, waiting on the new appliances, the cable guy and all the furniture that is on its way. Mom is staying here, which is a total spirit lifter. Stella and I have been living by ourselves since May and I love having the company. Not to mention Stella is thrilled "Ghee" is staying with us, she loves doing puzzles, reading and coloring with mom. I guess I now become chopped liver...
Labels: Moving

New Years resolutions.
(In no particular order)
1) Be a better mom.
2) Organize my home.
3) Update my blog at LEAST every week!
I look at my sisters at least three times a week. If she can navigate herself around this thing I can! lol
Actually, she inspired me.
If anything I will share some of my favorite photography shots I have taken recently. I get all excited because I have a great idea of a pic and I sit here and look at it all by myself.
So many things have happened this year, New Years is a love/hate time of year. You look forward to the new year and the possibilities of what it will bring, and then you reflect on the previous year and try and learn from the good and the bad.
I would get personal about what my reflections were, but anyone who knows me will say "enough said". lol
Let me kick this year off with a few favorite pics from last year and I will bring many more in the upcoming year.