My moms birthday is this Sunday. 65. I can't believe it. I remember the announcement over the loud speaker at my highschool that she was turning 42 and shes been 42 ever since. 65? This is when your kids starting feeling old. I know I do. Funny, everyone has their take on what decade is best. I heard your thirties are the best and even though Im only 31, I have to agree.
These years will be my best.
Speaking of births and birthdays, I live in baby central. I bet their are at least ten infants on my block, and that goes for every block in Abacoa. The whole gammet, from the La Leche League mom to the professional "I have two nannies". Well, they don't say they have two nannies, but I never see the kids with anyone but their nanny. Finding the balance is key. Thats my lesson.
Speaking of balance, I had dinner with one of my girlfriends and her infant son just last week. She is doing a great job finding balance. She works at a job she loves, takes care of her two big dogs, and she is breastfeeding, too! I love talking to her, she is one of those people who beams and gives you a little bounce in your step by the time you leave dinner.
Speaking of which, I went to her baby shower this past fall and here's a pic of Jacob, her son, right after he was born.
So, at thirty one, I can say I look forward to the rest of my thirties. And as far as babies, my Stella sure isn't a baby anymore. Who knows, maybe one day, I'll have another one. I said one day. I didnt say today, I said one day...
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