Is it Thursday already?
I can't remember another stage in my life where the days and weeks flew by. Some weeks do drag, but the next week I'm asking myself what I did last week...
Keeping busy is good. Yesterday I drove down to Miami with Stella for another casting. This time is was for Banana Boat sunscreen. Everytime I go with her and watch what they ask, I leave there asking why they asked that. She had to wear a bathing suit and we waited over an hour to be seen. The wait actually flys by because there are so many other kids there, they don't get bored. Stella is getting used to it. Before she used to sit in my lap and watch the other kids play, yesterday Stella was conducting an entire group in Simon Says. We actually had a lot of fun, almost like a playdate. It's so weird...alot of these kids have been modeling since a baby, some are just starting. Stella has been to to four castings and has gotten two jobs out of it. If we could go to one a week I think it would be fun. I like the drive, its good bonding time with me and Stella.
So yesterday, we get in and fill out the usual info sheet, and Stella's name was called, sometimes they go back by themselves and sometimes the parent can go back. I went back yesterday. Just before we went back, Stella had to give a girl her ball back. Anyone that knows Stella and her balls, knows she got upset over it. So went went to the back with Stella tripping over her lower lip.
The photographer was C-U-T-E. And he and Stella jumped right into conversation.
"Hi!, what a beautiful bathing suit, I think its the most beautiful I've seen all day, where did you get it?"
"Umm, at the Ritz"
"The Ritz, wow, do you stay at the Ritz alot?"
"Uh, huh"
"Do you like staying at the Ritz?"
This guy was def cracking a smile.
He took some pics, some smiling, some serious.
And then it was weird, they had her put her arms on the table and they took pics of her arms. His asst yelled that she was "six" whatever that meant.
As they took pics
"So whats your name?"
"How old are you"
"Three, my mom is thirty-one"
(Thanks Stella)
They said their good bye's and thank you's and we left. We should find out today or maybe tomorrow if she got it. The shoot is next Thurs.
Everyone check their spring edition of Hanna Anderson clothing, she did the shoot for it, but do not know yet if she will be printed. She also did a shoot for Kraft, but will only be printed in Canada.
So, a day in the life a of a red headed whirlwind.
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