OK, so now I am officially going to say this is a monthly blog. I dont know where my time goes. I guess Im busier than ever with my family and I dont make the time to sit and write. I have a new hobby. EBAY!!! Gary loves it because Im actually making money instead of spending it. I completely fell into this, I didnt plan on getting this busy with it, but I think I've figured out a good system. So I get all my shopping out of my system and then sell it. Nice. My seller name is keekonj in case you're interested. AND people have been asking me to sell things for them. I have to figure out the costs on that one, but its great. So THAT is what has been taking up a majority of my time.
Family news? We have been so busy with Halloween. I love Halloween. Between school activities, school birthdays, and holiday parties, Oct is by far the busiest month for us. I know I use this blog to post photos of Stella, but I have to share one more, Gary and I went to out first adult Halloween party and we had a blast! The costume is adult so I may post it next time, not sure...
Stella is between costumes. At first she wanted to be a bride, but she has been spider man all month. When I say all month, I mean she already blew the butt out of her first spidey costume and is on her second! lol
I have been taking so many ebay photos Ive been kinda of burned out in the photography dept, let me see what I can dig up.
Oh, romance is in the air....my official 7 yr anniversary was yesterday, {sigh} ,my hubby got me a new purse. He does love me.:)
Heres a goody, my mom called and Stella talked to her for awhile, on the pot the whole time!
And another hanging with dad at his office...
At least she wasn't eating a peanut butter sandwich like her mommy did when SHE was little!!
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