Yay! The dentist went as well as could be expected, man, what an office, not like I remember, it was nice!
Stella let the girl show her the instruments, but only got a tooth brushing and a flossing in, and the dentist said, no cavities! Whew!
Yesterday afternoon we visited one of the parks with our friends Joseph and his mom, Narissa. Great time and hes a great kid. I picked them both up after school today and he came over with no problem. I enjoyed it myself, and Stella conked out for two hours after I dropped him off. Well enough of that, here are some cute pics.
More Good News!
Ok, just a bit of news, I checked with the school. The fundraiser Fri night? 40K. Awesome, huh? Just so happy for Stellas little school. She is so happy there, and they are so warm and understanding of her fiery personality. I know there is some debate over Montessori schools, but I think it depends on the kid. Stella has adapted well to it.
She goes to the dentist tomorrow, I will have pics if all goes well. The dentist was torture for me as a kid, I hope my anxiety for her does not show tomorrow. I figure if I take pics she will be so into the camera, she may actually think its fun...
So anyone have any plans for Easter break? I'm going on an adventure, taking my mom and Stella up to my mom and dads house in Florence, SC. I am going on a little photo tour through some swamp land when I get up there. Im starving for something other than palm trees and ocean for pics. I know, wah wah wah, oh so sick of looking at the beach and having 85 degree weather, lol.
Hopefully a full report and pics of tomorrow....

Great Visit.
Ok, so we have settled down since the Hanna Andersson thing. The director of her school asked me to bring it in, she made a good point, it was a job for Stella and she asked Stella to talk about it in circle time. I did not hear all of what she said about it, but I did hear she mentioned she didnt like the shoes.
So, I have to mention one more thing. I found out yesterday she was published in Canada for a Kraft advertisement. I dont have a copy yet, but Im working on it. And now I will shut up about it. :)
I had a great visit with my sister, brother, mom, dad and my sisters friend, Heather. I dont know why we don't just call Heather another sister, she has been with my family for so long, it feels like longer. Love ya Heather!
I have been busy with Stellas school and their annual auction, it was Friday and was a blast! BTW if anyone wants some ideas of items to auction off that the kids made, email me, those were the biggest live auction items. The whole night was a success.
A few cute things? I finally got Stella some Legos. "Mama, wanna play yogas", eh, she'll get it.
About the pics, Yes, it was my brothers 40th birthday and yes, we did write "Happy Birthday Bunghole". One of Stellas favorite activites with Ghee, among others, is playing cards. Thanks Mom! I know go fish gets old. And, anyone that may know my family, everyone always comments, and they have pics, when I was little, I insisted on being naked...the apple doesnt fall far from the tree...:)

One exciting thing after another around the Gorin household.
I hadnt given it much thought,and my cousin, who has never emailed me, (thanks John), wrote that he just got the Hanna Andersson catalog and Stella was in it!
Can you believe it? I didn't even think she made it...awesome. So, for all you fans who want to get a copy, its page 32. Its available online at www.hannaandersson.com
in the virtual catalog. (Summer)
More on this later, I have family visiting and want to relax with them, or try to, this is too cool!

Treasured Moments
In my past travels, I have made some quality friends. These, as you know, are people you don't have to talk to everyday. or even every month, to be able to be good friends with.
My friend Elizabeth text me a few Mondays ago, "Where are you?", I text back, "Home, where are you?".
She was in Key Biscayne as our usual meeting spot. So being so close, Gary reserved a room and we went down the following weekend. We hadn't see each other since last year, but its one of those comfortable friendships where you catch up and talk, then its nice to sit quietly by the pool and lounge. Our kids are finally at the age where they can all play together, which is so much fun to watch. Her daughter Catrina is five and looks like Stellas sister. Hair and everything.
So here are some of my favorite things.
Stella hanging out on the porch coloring. A sun baby just like her mom. And yes, we do use sunblock.
Stella in the pool, and Stella with a sitter for a few hours while we go downstairs and try and have conversation that isnt something about our children, but its hard. :)
Another favorite moment?
Stella is studying dinosaurs in school right now. She talks about them often and wants to read about them. So yesterday I was browsing through TJ Maxx and found a "Hear and Feel Dinosuar Book". Its has pictures and buttons on the side that roar with the different dinos. On eack page there are things to feel . The TRex is loud and a meat eater, the next a plant eater, feel the smooth leaves. The next is the Tricerotop, sp?, and you can feel the roughness of his horns. Stella is talking about each of them as we are driving down the road. She then mentions "ewww, he is really horny"
Oh yes, he does have a few horns. What is the next page Stella?
Local fashion show tomorrow, more on that this weekend.
Company in town! Big events planned!