I got tagged

What is his name?
Gary David Gorin (used to be Smagorinsky)
How long have you been married?
7 years last October
How long did you date?
5 months, engaged for two weeks
How old is he?
37? I think?
How old are you?
Ill be 33 in August, is that right?
Age always confuses me...
Who eats more sweets?
Used to be me, not anymore...
Who said I love you first?
Well, it was love at first sight, we didn't even need to say it.
ok...I don't remember
Who is taller?
Gary by a few inches
Who can sing better?
I have to choose? Ugh, neither but if my life depended on it I would say me.
BUT he knows all the words...
Who is smarter?
Gary, Gary, Gary, by FAR
Who does the laundry?
Well, I do all but his, he is picky about his clothes so he washed his own.
Who does the dishes?
Mostly me, Im around the house more often...
He does them alot though...
Who pays the bills?
I make'em, he pays'em!
He does, online...
His guilty pleasure?
Shopping sprees at Nordstrom
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
I do, the window has always been on his side which he claims makes him feel cooler?
Who mows the lawn?
The homeowners association. We don't have an actual lawn of our own...
Besides you, who is his best friend?
Well, I would say his lifer best friend is Chad, and he has made some great close friends over the past year.
Who cooks dinner?
A mix of me and the crock pot, take out menus, and my hubby. He is a much better cook than I, but only when time permits...
Who drives?
He does.
Who kissed who first?
Well if a crappy kiss on the forehead counts, he did.
If a passionate kiss is what this is about, then I think I did.
Who asked who out first?
He asked me out to brunch, was a "group" setting.
What was your first date?
Brunch at the Marriot in Key West.
Who proposed?
He did. Well, officially with the ring. But we had agreed we wanted to get married in Vegas on a certain date anyway...
Who has more siblings?
Me, I have one brother and a sister, he has one sister.
Who wears the pants?
What is your favorite thing about him?
That he has so much passion for everything he does.
I tag anyone that is reading this and please let me know who that is so I can read it...
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