Wow! Can you feel the excitement in my caps there?
Lots coming up and lots to get ready for!
First I have to write, for Stella, that today is Pizza Day at school! (its the little things)
ok, now on another note, we are going to Orlando (or "morlando" as Stella calls it), on Saturday. Ive really been wanting to go up there, but thought we needed to tone it down. THAT was a nice surprise, because the really really big news is VEGAS. Whwoo hoooo!! VEGAS here we come!
OK, just when you thought there couldnt be any BIGGER news....Gary and I are renewing our vows!!!!!
And there will be an online gallery of it, so tune in, we are renewing them on Wed the 12th at 5pm.
At "The Wynn", which also happens to be the hotel we are staying at when we go. The pics here are from the first go round.
And a big thank you will be going out to my parents for the entire next year, they are coming to stay with Stella while Gary and I go out there. We couldnt do it with out you! Thanks mom and dad!
The funny part is that I have been feeling anxious about leaving Stella for a week, carefully explaining when and where we are going...she isnt phased a bit, she just wants me to write on her calendar when "Ghee and Pop Pop" are coming. I couldnt ask for anything better than that.
What else have I been doing? Ebaying. I go through phases where I buy stuff, then I sell a few things to counteract my purchases. More later, time for school!
Stellas 4th Birthday! Hooray at last I have posted them...so weird, I never know how things will turn out on a PC, I love my mac, but again, not a whiz at it. Long overdue, but enjoy!

School is back in session, yay!
Who am i cheering for you ask? Myself or Stella? ha ha.
OK I must say I will put on a small show and say how much I will enjoy having my time until 2:30pm. But I do have things I have to do. For sure, Im not watching TV and eating bon bons. But there is the part of me that cries out "my baby!" So here we go, the next life phase...is it just a phase? Am I really thinking of having another child because its good timing with Stella being in school? Or is this it. Just Stella. No more starting over with diapers. And I mean ALL over. I have nothing left. I either gave or sold everything. The everlasting question. Well, not too everlasting, Im not getting any younger over here.
So I want to post a picture from her first day last year and her first day this year.
Want to talk hurricanes? Im probably one of the only families in Florida that prays for a strong two/weak three. I know, shoot me now, I cant admit that to too many people down here or I will be banned from conversation. :) I dont enjoy others misfortunes, but we havent had a good hurricane in awhile. Not looking for destruction. Just some wind and water damage...just a little work for Duraclean. :)

I must say, I am so proud of my hubby. He finished his first sprint triathlon this past weekend. He has been in others, but chose to swim-bike-run, rather than run-bike-run. After training for awhile, Im glad he not only finished, but had alot of fun with his friends during the whole process. Great job Gary!

Oh I know, I still havent organized Stellas party photos, but that is my next project...the other news it that one of Garys friends, wife, gave birth to her fourth girl...and all maybe 6 and under? its close.
So what do you do for a girl you have never met and already has everything she prob needs...
OK a diaper cake. Yes I made a diaper cake. And pretty cool if I do say so myself.
Its just diapers, wipes, a pair of cute shoes to go with the theme and also...this is kind of crazy but I went into a childrens boutique yesterday...granted I havent had to look for anything in awhile, they had crystal adorned stuff all over the place. Bottles, spoons, and even pacifiers. Well, all are just for show, none for real use because of the choking hazard. Well, hell, I can do that. I mean this stuff was like 30 bucks and up!
So heres my shot at the bling bling diaper cake. Not too over the top I suppose.
Oh and see my wonderful Stampin Up accents?