Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Two by Two, about ME!

Two names you go by
1. Katherine
2. Keeko, (but usually only if you are my family)

Two things you are wearing right now
1. tank top
2. jeans

Two things you want in a relationship
1. love
2. I'll do it Susie, MONEY

Two of your favorite things to do
1. anything on my Mac
2. anything craft related, photography, scrapbooking, stamping

Two things you want very badly at the moment

Are we talking material things?
1. an external hard drive, (which I am shopping for in another window here)
2. I can always use any new electronics....

Two pets you have or had

TWO? I grew up on a farm...
1. Dead - Sylvester & Tweety (Rooster and chicken), Jake (my bull). Gomer (my goat), Duke, Candy, Lynn (dogs) and my all time favorite, Cloudy, my cat, we had other various pets, but were not around long enough to mention.
2. Alive and currently, Meeshi, my cat. and hes very mean...(We rescued him from Brooklyn from a guy named Wing Wong.)

Two people who will fill this out first
1. I would say my sister, but she already passed it on to me...
2. A new blogger friend? :)

Two things you did last night
1. Had dinner with Gary and Stella
2. Caught up on my recorded shows while chatting with my sister and mom.

Two chores you don't like doing

1. picking up
2. cleaning Meeshis litter box

Two things you ate today
1. Sprouted Bread, highly recommend!
2. Hot Tea

Two people you talked to last
1. Gary
2. My dad is sitting right here.

Two things you're doing tomorrow
1. taking Stella to the dermatologist
2. going to my own Dr

Two favorite holidays
Well, because they are Stellas, they are mine
1. Easter
2. Christmas

Two favorite beverages
1. La Croix Water with lemon, no calories and makes you feel like you are drinking soda out of a can
2. beer


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