Man oh Man, I have been a slacker once again...no excuse this time:)
Memorial Day came and went and I didnt take one pic, probably because I was chasing Stella around at all the cookouts we went to. But even better, last weekend we made it up to Universal in Orlando. Can I just say one more time how much I love that place? It was the opening weekend of Shrek 3, and of course we had to go to the breakfast to see him in person with our Princess Fiona. She had a blast and got worn out! Enjoyed having a few nights there, got to enjoy the pool also. And for the record, Susanne, we went inside to eat. (inside joke) I wanted to eat poolside...
I think the pics tell all. Oh and the big news? I figured out I like roller coasters. I got to the Hulk, and also the Mummy. Thanks Gary for pushing me into it! :)

Tumble Tots hit the Stage!
Yay, nearing the end of the year and Stella is still interested in gymnastics!
So proud of her and so lucky to have Coach Rachael to have patience with her. The theme for her group was Happy Feet, and though she is three, you can tell these excercises are to get her ready for the more advanced stage of years to come if she likes.
(The last pic is of her friend Annie and her older sister.)
(One last note: after months of laying low on the modeling scene, we got a casting call for a back to school shoot for Macys, fingers crossed she gets it, more on that when we find out.)

Mothers Day Tea
What at treat at Stellas school, Friday they served tea to all the mothers complete with two Hershey Kisses. Words cant say enough...but pictures can. :) The little boys name is Colin, he has a twin sister and they are both cute as a button. I have amazing conversations with Colin, alomost like talking to an adult sometimes, very interesting. (I secretly hope he and Stella become close friends for a very long time, just becuase I love to see him.)

Yay, finally some pics of our busy week...last weekend, I had forgotten, we went to Sailfish Marina, which is a cool place for lunch/brunch. There are alot of charter boats that go out from there, you can take tours of peanut island, lots of fun stuff on the water. Also, on Thurs nights I hear they have a neat-o craft fair. So we went a week ago Sunday and watched the fish fight over the scraps of leftover bait from the charter boats. Even caught a bird catching his piece of the action.

"Chidewok sok"
I know, I know, I have been absent for an entire month...do you ever have a combination of just being busy with a bunch of other personal crap that makes you want to disappear? Not interested in talking about it, not interested in having dinner with anyone for fear you will end up spilling your guts into a bottle of wine...its been one of those months.
Yeah, so anyway...on to the highlights.
My mom is always getting Stella "artsy" stuff. Which I also have fun with playing with it, with Stella. So mom comes home from Wal-Mart with this neat-o sidewalk paint. It did include sidewalk chalk, thus the title I gave this blog. Stellas version...
School is almost out and Im scrambling to figure out what to do to keep busy this summer.
Other than that it is a bunch of crap that is keeping me from blogging at the moment. But Ill be back...