I love Halloween. Almost better than any other holiday. I think I have a new appreciation for it because of Stella.
So of course living in Florida, snow is never an issue, but tropical storms are! UGH, it poured. We got soaked head to toe, but we knew we would...People who dont even live in our neighborhood trick or treat here...so many houses, so close together. We had friends over and had a blast!! We only hit a couple of blocks and their buckets were full!
Sorry, no pics...rain and digital cameras dont mix, but I will try and get pics from the moms who braved it.
Went to Stellas school on Wed for "Pumpkin Decorating". Here are a couple of pics...
I know this is quick, Im beat, but wanted to post SOMETHING.
More pics of her Blue Room Pumpking Decorating @ http://gallery.mac.com/katherinegorin#100046